This Sudoku Puzzle has 82 steps and it is solved using Hidden Single, Locked Candidates Type 1 (Pointing), Naked Single, Full House, Locked Candidates Type 2 (Claiming), Naked Triple, undefined, Empty Rectangle, Hidden Rectangle, Discontinuous Nice Loop, Grouped Discontinuous Nice Loop, Swordfish techniques.

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Solution Steps:

  1. Row 6 / Column 3 → 4 (Hidden Single)
  2. Row 5 / Column 5 → 3 (Hidden Single)
  3. Row 9 / Column 4 → 4 (Hidden Single)
  4. Row 8 / Column 4 → 6 (Hidden Single)
  5. Row 2 / Column 4 → 8 (Hidden Single)
  6. Locked Candidates Type 1 (Pointing): 9 in b5 => r8c6<>9
  7. Row 8 / Column 6 → 5 (Naked Single)
  8. Row 2 / Column 6 → 1 (Naked Single)
  9. Row 4 / Column 4 → 5 (Hidden Single)
  10. Row 5 / Column 4 → 2 (Naked Single)
  11. Row 6 / Column 4 → 1 (Full House)
  12. Row 4 / Column 8 → 1 (Hidden Single)
  13. Row 6 / Column 2 → 2 (Hidden Single)
  14. Locked Candidates Type 2 (Claiming): 6 in c2 => r1c13<>6
  15. Naked Triple: 1,2,8 in r137c1 => r9c1<>1, r9c1<>2, r9c1<>8
  16. Locked Candidates Type 1 (Pointing): 2 in b7 => r13c3<>2
  17. 2-String Kite: 3 in r3c3,r8c8 (connected by r2c8,r3c9) => r8c3<>3
  18. Empty Rectangle: 7 in b6 (r59c1) => r9c8<>7
  19. Hidden Rectangle: 2/8 in r8c38,r9c38 => r8c3<>8
  20. Row 8 / Column 3 → 2 (Naked Single)
  21. Discontinuous Nice Loop: 2 r2c9 -2- r2c8 -3- r8c8 =3= r7c9 =4= r2c9 => r2c9<>2
  22. Discontinuous Nice Loop: 8 r7c7 -8- r9c8 -2- r2c8 -3- r2c9 -4- r2c7 =4= r7c7 => r7c7<>8
  23. Discontinuous Nice Loop: 1 r9c3 -1- r9c5 -8- r9c8 -2- r2c8 -3- r8c8 =3= r8c2 =7= r9c1 =6= r9c3 => r9c3<>1
  24. Row 9 / Column 5 → 1 (Hidden Single)
  25. Discontinuous Nice Loop: 9 r8c8 -9- r6c8 -7- r6c6 =7= r4c6 -7- r4c2 =7= r8c2 =3= r8c8 => r8c8<>9
  26. Discontinuous Nice Loop: 8 r9c3 -8- r9c8 -2- r2c8 -3- r8c8 =3= r8c2 =7= r9c1 =6= r9c3 => r9c3<>8
  27. Locked Candidates Type 2 (Claiming): 8 in r9 => r8c78<>8
  28. Discontinuous Nice Loop: 9 r5c7 -9- r5c3 -6- r5c1 -7- r9c1 =7= r8c2 -7- r8c7 -9- r5c7 => r5c7<>9
  29. Discontinuous Nice Loop: 7 r9c9 -7- r8c8 -3- r2c8 -2- r9c8 =2= r9c9 => r9c9<>7
  30. Grouped Discontinuous Nice Loop: 8 r3c3 -8- r13c1 =8= r7c1 =1= r7c3 =3= r3c3 => r3c3<>8
  31. Discontinuous Nice Loop: 1 r1c1 -1- r1c7 =1= r3c7 =8= r3c1 =2= r1c1 => r1c1<>1
  32. Discontinuous Nice Loop: 8 r1c2 -8- r3c1 =8= r3c7 =1= r1c7 =6= r1c2 => r1c2<>8
  33. Discontinuous Nice Loop: 2 r1c9 -2- r1c1 -8- r1c8 =8= r9c8 =2= r9c9 -2- r1c9 => r1c9<>2
  34. Grouped Discontinuous Nice Loop: 7 r3c7 -7- r3c5 -2- r2c5 =2= r2c8 =3= r8c8 =7= r89c7 -7- r3c7 => r3c7<>7
  35. Grouped Discontinuous Nice Loop: 5 r7c7 -5- r5c7 -7- r89c7 =7= r8c8 =3= r7c9 =4= r7c7 => r7c7<>5
  36. Almost Locked Set XZ-Rule: A=r2578c7 {45679}, B=r15c9 {579}, X=5, Z=9 => r7c9<>9
  37. Locked Candidates Type 1 (Pointing): 9 in b9 => r1c7<>9
  38. Almost Locked Set XZ-Rule: A=r59c7 {578}, B=r289c8 {2378}, X=8, Z=7 => r8c7<>7
  39. Row 8 / Column 7 → 9 (Naked Single)
  40. Row 7 / Column 7 → 4 (Naked Single)
  41. Row 8 / Column 5 → 8 (Naked Single)
  42. Row 7 / Column 5 → 9 (Full House)
  43. Row 2 / Column 7 → 6 (Naked Single)
  44. Row 2 / Column 9 → 4 (Hidden Single)
  45. Row 1 / Column 2 → 6 (Hidden Single)
  46. X-Wing: 3 r28 c28 => r7c2<>3
  47. Swordfish: 7 r468 c268 => r1c8<>7
  48. W-Wing: 5/3 in r2c2,r7c9 connected by 3 in r3c39 => r7c2<>5
  49. Row 7 / Column 2 → 8 (Naked Single)
  50. Row 4 / Column 2 → 7 (Naked Single)
  51. Row 7 / Column 1 → 1 (Naked Single)
  52. Row 4 / Column 6 → 9 (Naked Single)
  53. Row 4 / Column 3 → 8 (Full House)
  54. Row 6 / Column 6 → 7 (Full House)
  55. Row 6 / Column 8 → 9 (Full House)
  56. Row 5 / Column 1 → 6 (Naked Single)
  57. Row 5 / Column 3 → 9 (Full House)
  58. Row 8 / Column 2 → 3 (Naked Single)
  59. Row 2 / Column 2 → 5 (Full House)
  60. Row 8 / Column 8 → 7 (Full House)
  61. Row 9 / Column 1 → 7 (Naked Single)
  62. Row 7 / Column 3 → 5 (Naked Single)
  63. Row 7 / Column 9 → 3 (Full House)
  64. Row 9 / Column 3 → 6 (Full House)
  65. Row 1 / Column 3 → 1 (Naked Single)
  66. Row 3 / Column 3 → 3 (Full House)
  67. Row 2 / Column 5 → 2 (Naked Single)
  68. Row 2 / Column 8 → 3 (Full House)
  69. Row 3 / Column 5 → 7 (Naked Single)
  70. Row 1 / Column 5 → 5 (Full House)
  71. Row 3 / Column 9 → 2 (Naked Single)
  72. Row 1 / Column 8 → 8 (Naked Single)
  73. Row 9 / Column 8 → 2 (Full House)
  74. Row 3 / Column 1 → 8 (Naked Single)
  75. Row 1 / Column 1 → 2 (Full House)
  76. Row 3 / Column 7 → 1 (Full House)
  77. Row 9 / Column 9 → 5 (Naked Single)
  78. Row 9 / Column 7 → 8 (Full House)
  79. Row 1 / Column 7 → 7 (Naked Single)
  80. Row 1 / Column 9 → 9 (Full House)
  81. Row 5 / Column 9 → 7 (Full House)
  82. Row 5 / Column 7 → 5 (Full House)
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